Weil am Rhein, Germany
To whom it may concern:
Guta Moura Guedes, President of Experimenta - Associação para a Promoção do Design e Cultura de Projecto (Association for the Promotion of Design and Project Culture), hereby declares that the company ROC2C, represented by Mr. Celso Clemente Gonçalves and team, produced part of the piece called "Gather" by the architect Vladimir Djurovic, for the international presentation of Resistance, part of the Primeira Pedra (First Stone) programme, which was inaugurated on the 12th of June 2017 at the Vitra Campus in Weil am Rhein, Germany. | also declare that the work was executed diligently and professionaliy, and that the object produced met expectations and standards.
The President of Experimenta
Guta Moura Guedes Weil am Rhein, Germany 2017
Recommendation Statement - Mr. Guta Moura Guedes - Experimenta Design
Recommendation Statement - Mr. Guta Moura Guedes - Experimenta Design
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